
    Vidyalaya Mangement Committee

    Name Designation Address
    Mr.K SathyendraCo-opted memberPrincipal, Govt PU College Gauribidanur
    Mr.HanumanthA Teacher RepresentativeLibrarian KV Gauribidanur
    Shri.Channappa Gowda NayakarA representative of SC/ST belonging to class 1 serviceAsst.Director,Social welfare department,gauribidanur
    Mr. Mahesh S PattriKAS, Tahsildar , GauribidanurDC office, Chikkaballpur
    Smt. Prema ArulPrincipalI/CPrincipal KV Gauribidnaur
    Mr. MunikempegowdaEminent EducationistDDPI, Chikkaballapur Dist.
    Mr. T.Ashwata ReddyEminent person in the field of cultureRetired DDPI, Chikkaballapur Dist
    Mr. ChandrashekharCGEWCC RepresentativeUBI Bank Manager, UBI Bank, Gauribidanur
    Mr. Manjunatha BPrincipalGovernment First grade College, Gauribidanur
    Mr. Girish B STechnical Member from Construction backgroundExecutive Engineer, Public Works Department, Chickkaballpur District.
    Mr. ChandramohanEminent Medical DoctorTaluk Health Officer, THO Office, Gauribidanur
    Mr. Sardar PashaParent RepresentativePhysics lecturer in First grade govt college gauribidanur
    Smt. Pushpalatha KParent RepresentativesHouse wife Parent Member